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Don’t do another shot without

One or two handed Insulin vial dock  “EZinsulinDok”

A person with one useable hand will be able to give themselves an injection.


Please consult Dr. or Nurse  before using.

1) After slowly rolling insulin vial, (never shake vial) place the insulin vial with small end up in the vial holder in the up position. Turn the vial holder knob screw till the vial is snug and can’t be easily pulled out. Then tip the vial holder till small end of vial is pointing down. Then push the syringe needle into the upside down vial.

.2) Pull the  plunger down to the prescribed dosage, (i.e. say 30ml) that will pull 30ml of air into syringe, then push the plunger up that will put 30 ml of air into the vial. Then pull the plunger down pulling 30 ml of insulin into the syringe.

3) Then push needle into already prepared fold of skin slowly pushing down on the plunger, leave needle in for ten seconds. Pull needle out and properly dispose of syringe.

Don’t do another shot without “EZinsulinDok”

(Rev. 2) 9-5-2016